How we do "Lash Rehab" and grow eyelashes back after damage

How to regrow damaged lashes 

In the studio, I often have consultations with potential clients who have damaged lashes and need to grow them again. This damage is usually caused by improperly installed lash extensions, at-home lash kits and cluster lashes, eyelash curlers, or the improper removal of strip lashes. Depending on the severity of the damage, it is possible to have full, healthy lashes again and not be dependent on the use of a serum for the rest of your life to keep them that way. The entire rehab process takes about 6-8 months, about two full lash cycles. So, what is the lash growth cycle?

The lash growth cycle

You typically lose between 3-7 natural lashes a day when they complete their growth cycle. The lash is shed in the last stage of the cycle, the telogen phase, when a new lash pushes the old lash out of the follicle and takes it's place. Then, the anagen phase begins and it all happens again. Ideally, a lash isn't pulled out early while it's attached in the follicle, so the cycle can continue uninterrupted with a lash always growing and detaching when ready. All of your lashes are in different phases of the growth cycle at all times. We get a completely new set of natural lashes every 6-8 weeks. With between 90-150+ lashes per eye that's a lot of shedding and growth. 

When a lash is prematurely pulled from the follicle, it rips the interior where the lash is attached. This damages it, impairing its ability to grow strong healthy lashes. When a lash is repeatedly pulled out, the follicle will become damaged and may stop growing lashes all together. Damaged follicles need to be treated with care, so as not to do any additional damage. 

Lash rehab rules:

• No waterproof eye makeup. 
It's far too aggressive to remove. Switch to a tubing mascara. 
• No eyelash curlers. 
These will continue to pull out fragile lashes. Put the eyelash curler away. A very gentle lash lift with tint can be an alternative to an eyelash curler after 6 weeks of lash rehab. A lash tint may be done at 3 weeks.
• No scrubbing or rubbing your eyes.
Even gentle rubbing can dislodge a weak lash. 
• No strip lashes.
They put unnecessary stress on new, baby lashes.
• Daily (or even two times a day) application of an approved peptide based lash serum. 

A peptide based lash serum, (with the proper combination of peptides) can repair damaged follicles and promote healthy regrowth. I do not recommend a prostaglandin serum for regrowing damaged lashes. Not only because of the side effects, (more info about that here) but also because they don't actually repair the damage. Prostaglandins hormonally change the growth cycle so the remaining damaged lashes only grow longer, not stronger. The folicle remains impaired and the extended growth cycle just grows a longer, still damaged lash. It's true, the lashes that grow are long, but they're weak, gangly, and can be eazily pulled out. Once someone stops using a prostaglandin serum, in a matter of months their lashes are right back to their previous damaged state. A well formulated peptide serum contains a combination of active ingredients that restore healthy folicle function and grow lashes at the same time. A peptide like Biotinoyl Tripeptide-1 works from the root of the lash into the folicle where it repairs and anchors it, making the lash stronger and more difficult to pull out. Myristoyl Pentapeptide-17 and Myristoyl Hexapeptide-16 both increase keratin production, causing healthy growth. The combination produces long, strong, firmly rooted lashes. When you stop using it, your lashes remain healthy. Without the daily application of keratin producing peptides they won't be as long, but they'll be stronger and healthier than they were before, and they'll remain that way. This is my recommended peptide serum. 

 Click here to learn about Accrēscō lash serum.

Even with existing lash damage it's possible to wear extensions while you regrow your lashes as long as that damage isn't too extensive. The lash extensions need to be well isolated and very lightweight. Typically a fan with .03 (very thin) lashes is used. You can consult your lash artist to see if this is an option for you.

By using products that promote lash growth and healthy follicle function and being as gentle possible with your remaining lashes, you should begin to see healthy regrowth in as little as 6-8 weeks. Feel free to comment with any questions! 


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