Getting lash extensions for your vacation or event
So, you want to get a new set of lashes for your vacation? Hybrid siren eye lashes A warning, and this comes from experience. Please don't get lash extensions for the first time (or from a lash tech you've never been to) right before you have a trip. Make sure you've had the full set and at least one fill beforehand. I'm a lash artist in an area with a lot of seasonal tourism. Every year at the beginning of the summer, I begin to get frantic calls from people who've just arrived, have had lash extensions put on right before they left, and are now trying to get them removed as soon as possible. The reasons are always because the lashes are uncomfortable (tearing their natural lashes out or poking their eyes), they're having an allergic reaction, or the style is wrong/not what they asked for. I've seen people with their entire lash line glued together because they didn't know the quality of work they were going to receive. I have removed some of the most ...